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http://www.100md.com 2012年3月1日 王阿娜 刘磊 訾雪飞 姜馨烨




    [中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)03-0471-03

    Study on the angleⅠmalocclusion rectification by the simple 2×6 straight wire appliance

    WANG A-na1,LIU Lei1,ZI Xue-fei2,JIANG Xin-ye1

    (1.Department of Stomatology,The Facial Feature Hospital of Qiqihar,Qiqihar 161005,Heilongjiang,China;2.Department of Stomatology,The Facial Feature Hospital of Beian)

    Abstract: Objective To study the angleⅠmalocclusion rectification by the simple two by six straight wire appliance in anterior tooth malocclusion of adult orthodontic treatment,and evaluate the treatment of the angleⅠmalocclusion in adult orthodontic treatment by the simple two by six straight wire appliance. Methods 20 adult orthodontic treatments of angle I malocclusion of anterior tooth malocclusion cases were chosen and treated by the simple two by six straight wire appliance,statistical analysis was performed using Spss13.0 software. Results The angleⅠmalocclusion and anterior tooth malocclusion were treated by the simple two by six straight wire appliance in adult orthodontic treatment,average treatment time is 6 months. Conclusion The simple two by six straight wire appliance is an effective method in the angleⅠmalocclusion and anterior tooth malocclusion of adult orthodontic treatment.

    Key words:Angle I malocclusion;adult orthodontic treatment;two by six straight wire appliance


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 临床资料:选择来我院就诊的口腔正畸患者20例(男3例,女17例),年龄>18岁,平均28.5岁。要求:安氏Ⅰ类错牙合,双侧第一磨牙中性关系,仅上下颌个别前牙扭转、不齐、反牙合,中切牙间隙,或前牙散在间隙等。无骨性畸形,X线头影测量显示,SNA、SNB、ANB角基本正常,无正畸治疗史,无唇腭裂,无面部外伤史,无颞下颌关节疾病。

    1.2 材料与方法:使用的矫治器为杭州新亚公司生产的直丝弓托槽和颊面管,规格为槽沟0.55mm(0.022")的托槽系统。采用简单"2×6"固定直丝弓矫治技术(straight wire appliance,SWA),即双侧上下第一磨牙粘直丝弓颊面管,上下颌前牙(13、12、11、21、22、23、31、32、33、41、42、43)粘直丝弓托槽,为防止前磨牙区弓丝折断,用0.25mm结扎丝在尖牙到第一磨牙间轻轻链扎,结扎弓丝时应将颊面管远中的弓丝末端回弯30°[2] ......
